BONN, Germany and BOSTON, Mass. – (September, 2013) HYPE Innovation, a global leader in end-to-end Innovation Management software, and one of the fastest growing global innovation solution providers, has been awarded the contract for the Open Innovation Platform “MovingIDEAS2.0” by Deutsche Bahn. The open innovation platform for the entire mobility and logistics sector offers stakeholders a quick and collaborative way to elaborate on innovations.

MovingIDEAS 2.0 ( is an open platform available to everyone. Everybody interested in mobility and logistics is invited to use the platform. Ideas and inspirations can be submitted corresponding to the strategic innovation areas such as productivity, energy, working conditions, cost savings, noise, and customer comfort. The platform enables stakeholders to discuss and develop ideas across company boarders and a cross-functional level.

“We are delighted about the high level acceptance of MovingIDEAS2.0. Over 600 users have registered during the first three months of the idea challenge and have posted their ideas,” said Gregor Huhn, Team Leader Innovation Management at Deutsche Bahn. “The platform is a key feature of our large-scale innovation strategy.”

MovingIDEAS2.0 is an initiative of Deutsche Bahn. MovingIDEAS2.0 was developed in association with innovation partners such as General Electric, Rheinisch-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule (RWTH) Aachen, Siemens, Bombardier and BVG, and aims at developing mobility and logistics solutions of the future.

“Deutsche Bahn is one of the largest mobility and logistics service providers and an innovation driver in the sector,” said Dietmar Breyer, Chief Alliance Officer at HYPE Innovation. “The open innovation platform is an excellent example of how Deutsche Bahn and the other industry players maintain their leadership and recognition. HYPE is excited to support Deutsche Bahn with the HYPE platform to further enhance mobility and logistics.”

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