People & Culture

What is Your Innovation Vision?

If there were a top ten of quotes that capture the essence of what innovation is about, this would definitely feature as...

What is Good Customer Insight?
Innovation Management

What is Good Customer Insight?

Extracting customer insights can be a time-consuming and challenging process. It requires a lot of effort to articulate ...

6 Steps To Successfully Pitching Your Startup
The Innovation Manager

6 Steps To Successfully Pitching Your Startup

Even if you have the best business idea, it will only remain an idea if you can't sell it properly. Pitching is a skill ...

The Power of Recombinant Innovation
Innovation Management

The Power of Recombinant Innovation

Innovation Across Industries Examples Wandering around Chicago in 1912 William Klann was a man on a mission. He was part...

The 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals - SDG 5 = Gender Equality
People & Culture , Sustainability

The 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals - SDG 5 = Gender Equality

During the 2015 United Nations Summit, the international community adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) under...

The Jugaad Approach to Innovation
Methods & Frameworks

The Jugaad Approach to Innovation

Founded in 2003 by TED fellow Jessica Mayberry, Video Volunteers is an international not-for-profit media organization t...

Corporate Foresight: a Tool to Sustain Innovation
Managing Innovation

Corporate Foresight: a Tool to Sustain Innovation

Hindsight, foresight, flash foresight, sensing systems, future thinking, chocolate futurists, open future approach, peri...

5 Tips for Driving Disruptive Innovation in Your Company
Disruption & Transformation

5 Tips for Driving Disruptive Innovation in Your Company

"You cannot outperform a marketplace if you adhere to its conventions".

Ideation & Collaboration

Four Examples of Design-Driven Success

When thinking about innovation, we tend to do so from two important angles. The first, and more likely to make headlines...

What’s the Key to Success in Corporate-Startup Collaboration?
Open Innovation

What’s the Key to Success in Corporate-Startup Collaboration?

While research on corporate-startup collaboration is not new, it has attracted increasing interest in recent years. In f...

Interview with Wilo - Sustainability is a Huge Opportunity
Ideation & Collaboration , Sustainability

Interview with Wilo - Sustainability is a Huge Opportunity

Sustainability is an integral part of the corporate strategy of the Wilo Group, one of the world's leading premium suppl...